My solution

My solution

Solution: Provide safe pathways for refugees to enter the UK. Create safe havens with different countries for immediate sanctuary for people fleeing conflict. Improve the processing of applications maybe process at source or in safe havens to cut the time it takes to process asylum applications. Allow asylum seekers to work and earn a living so they can be self sufficient and have a dignified life and also contribute to the economy. It also allows them to gain credibility of being a "proper" citizen of the UK. Additionally it resolves some of the labour and skills shortages.


Improving the process can significantly reduce the time it takes to reach refugee status

Employment may encourage or confuse economic migration with refugee status

Nothing to add - this is exactly what is needed!

This requires global corporation, which seems unlikely in the near future.

potential threats to national security.

Processing speed = key, there are too many delays in the current system that need to be addressed

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