cross party collaboration

cross party collaboration

Solution: Bring together different political parties to develop a more shared stance (try to depoliticise it from uk electoral process)


This will be protracted as the issue is very polarised and parties wouldn't find workable common ground.

Unlikely to happen

Assumes that this is a static issue, that does not evolve or change. This would not be a single shared stance but an evolving point

Politicians use the fear to gain votes

collaborative approach better long-term solution

Have you seen the state of UK politics?! Can’t see this happening in our lifetime.

will talk a lot of time trying to get everyone on the same boat!

This sort of approach is more likely to bring about change

Would be the most constructive, but sadly the goal is political points rather than a true solution

What will it take for alignment? A three party coalition ….. let’s see what next election brings….unlikely to happen but you never know!

There aren’t even shared views within political parties

Could this be enshrined in law? Make it illegal to use immigrations as a campaign platform or in a manifesto.

would share responsibility to all, as global citizens, would bring real change

Almost like a war cabinet approach to managing migration.

Working across parties and view points might genuinely find innovative ideas.

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