Seals Yoga and therapies
A great service provided by Seal for all age groups, Yoga teacher and therapists are all fantastic and a real asset to the Gorbals Community! Seal works so hard to provide this service and it would be a great loss to the community 😰
SEAL provide a fantastic range of services and activities covering a broad age range. The yoga/relaxation classes are fantastic. There would be a massive gap in provision to our group. Promoting relaxation, movement and good mental health with a lovely sense of community. The instructor has a very special and unique way with her and we would sorely miss our group. Therapies and fitness classes are amazing and sorely needed in our area as they aren't always accessible to all in today's times.
I believe the yoga classes provided by seal are invaluable to my mind spirit and body, and I'm sure other members of the class would agree, it's a community where it is opened to all, it is the best yoga class I have ever attended and Fiona's knowledge is astounding, I began classes last January 24 when I was physically and mentally unwell and I found an improvement from my first class. It's also a great sense of community and I feel very welcome by all.
SEAL has greatly improved my mental health by focusing on self-care instead of burnout. Losing this would be a significant loss to the community.
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