Cover all parking areas in MQ Uni with solar panels

Cover all parking areas in MQ Uni with solar panels

Covering thee parking areas on MQ uni with solar panels - genarate power that reduces the cost of providing education and may provide excess poower - reduces the heat foot print causesd by the black bitumen - improve the life span of car using facility - If done well beautify the landscape Actually same should be imposed on any carpark area


Carpark space could be used for solar generation meaning less solar would be required in rural areas, and less farmland would be impacted

Reduces heat sink effect of tarmac. More comfortable environment to walk in. Harnesses the free electrons from the sun. Can be supported by battery electric car charging. Win Win!

Optimising our use of non-green spaces to generate energy and/or reduce heat generation, seems a great idea.

And or rooftop plantings 🌷😊

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