While travelling to the city or major locations I'll use public transport (less stressful & cost effective), most of my local travel I use my car as it's both more convenient and cost effective. We could have more more frequent and cheaper local public transport options. And more support for bicycles in local community hubs. Petrol is a major cost-of-living challenge, and I understand it's going to keep increasing.
NSW should expand the transport, and especially the metro generally. Metro along Vic Rd would be a game changer. Could also improve the area's livability and quality of life by restoring 1 lane as cafe/tree area, leave 1 lane bus lane, and 1 lane (instead of 2) for cars. The NSW Geography school syllabus studies the fact that building new roads encourages people to drive!! Dublin took away car lanes and made them into bus lanes years ago, to much uproar, but now loved.
Always a need for better, frequent, reliable, local transport - especially if it is an alternate-energy mode (like "green" buses). It's also good to encourage more bicycle use.
Increased bicycle use can be difficult for some areas. They may be quite hilly or steep. The residents may not be up to riding around often (older / physical disability). There may be a greater need for vehicle use (toddlers, babies, injury, etc.). The road design may be too narrow for bicycles, road traffic and parked vehicles. (There is a section in Camperdown, Sydney, where the bike lane and bus route frequently block each other - and local traffic too.)
Lets give us some of those Queensland 50c fares. Create actual bicycle infrastructure, not just lines painted on roads which are still quite dangerous.
Good local public transport and safe bicycle infrastructure will improve walkability, local business ecosystems and urban quality in general. Although disincentives for car use in certain places would also help.
The metro is way too expensive. It costs me 5 bucks to travel 1 stop to work. What would the rational person do? drive to work of course
on the comment about increased bicycle use. Most of the traffic in Bennelong is people travelling through the area to get somewhere else. Locals should take back their suburbs. People can use the motorway
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