Investigate the possibility of establishing community batteries within our electorate. This is happening in Canberra.
Current battery technology requires diesel generators to replenish the charge once depleted. This defeats the whole purpose, as it increases co2 emissions. Is it a coincidence Australia's co2 emissions have increased in the last 3 years and we have more renewables in place than ever before? No it's not a coincidence, once again it's a direct result of using inefficient technology.
Agreed. Would need to incentivise companies to do it e.g. planning streamlining, designing a guaranteed income market for their operations. This would help or make up for the fact that network operators have not upgraded local networks to match or even support the rooftop solar that has been installed. AEMO has had to ask for emergency powers to turn off rooftop solar to manage the grid.
One was built in North Epping, but I believe that is now in the Berowra electorate following the redistribution. More community batteries in Bennelong would be great.
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